
  • Hotron (3092) submitted an application for transfer to the listed company at stock exchange market on December 30. 2020 and was the 14th domestic company to apply for stock listing this year. The person in charge of Hotron Precision Electronic Ind. Co. Ltd. is Mr. Jung Zhang which the paid-in capital is NTD 805 million. The main products include various 3C product signal cables, connecting cables, consumer high-frequency cables and automotive cables and other high-frequency signal transmission cable products. The former net profit was NTD 364 million, and the after-tax earnings per share (EPS) was NTD 4.03 yuan.

  • 本公司USB系列產品通過北美車廠承認驗證,正式打入美國第一大車廠供應鏈,主攻原廠First Tier車用影音系統

  • 鴻碩精密電工股份有限公司,正式取得蘋果MFI認證 ........MFI

  • 【經濟日報】報導...鴻碩精密電工股份有限公司及其他16家上市(櫃)公司,通過CG6007評量 ........全文內容

  • 鴻碩精密電工股份有限公司,於101年4月12日正式通過公司治理制度評量,並核發證書 ........證書

  • 鴻碩精密電工股份有限公司,於99年5月11日掛牌上櫃圓滿成功 ........more

  • 於99年5月10日假凱基證券大直明水路12樓,舉辦上櫃法說會圓滿成功 ....簡報附件

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